My teaching, like my research, is informed by audience studies and network science. Drawing on millions of data points, my main teaching goal is to help students recognize the surrounding environment of digital media in their everyday life, interpret datasets collected from digital traces, and reflect on social issues beneath the data itself.

My courses integrate approaches that I have learned in my own research program: the combination of quantitative skills and qualitative examinations to understand digital media, audience behaviors, and networks in society. Students learn a variety of methods to study digital traces of media audience on today’s media system and begin to think independently why data matters in the process through hands-on computational skills, training in storytelling, and project-oriented assignments. Consequently, students are motivated to conduct digital research while acquiring professional data analytical skills.


Boston University
EM777 Masters Collaboratory Project [2021 Syllabus]
EM797 Connecting Humans: Networks, History and Social Media [2021 Syllabus]

University of Copenhagen
Communication Research Method
Digital Research

​The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Tutor)
Critical Communication Theories (Fall 2016, Evaluation: 5.20/6.00)
Communication Research Method (Spring 2016, Evaluation: 4.91/6.00)
Media and Everyday Life, CUHK (Fall 2015, Evaluation: 5.56/6.00)