Chris C. Su

Assistant Professor, Emerging Media Studies
College of Communication / Boston University


Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018 

Dissertation: Control or Being Controlled? How Mobile Logistical Media Affect Individual’s Time Conception at Workplace
Supervisor: Prof. Francis Lap Fung Lee 
Chair: Prof. Jack Linchuan Qiu

M.A., Educational Communication Technology, New York University, 2014

B.A., Journalism & Minor in Computer Science, Wuhan University, China, 2012


2020-present  Assistant Professor, Emerging Media Studies
College of Communication, Boston University, USA

2018-2020   Postdoc, The Peoples’ Internet Project
Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2016-2017       Visiting Scholar 
Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Chen, H.T., Guo, L., Su, C.C. (2020). Network agenda setting, partisan selective exposure, and opinion repertoire: An analysis of partisan media effects on Hongkongers’ perception of Hong Kong-Mainland China relationship. Journal of Communication, 70(1), 35-59. PDF

Su, C.C.  & Zhang, X. (2019). Circulating mobile apps in Greater China: Examining the cross-regional degree in App markets. International Journal of Communication, 13, 2355–2375. PDF

Chen, Z., Su, C.C., & Chen, A. (2019). Top-down or bottom-up? A network agenda-setting study of Chinese nationalism on social media. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 63(3), 512-533. PDF

Guo, L., Su, C.C., & Li, H. (2018). Effects of issue involvement, news attention, knowledge, and perceived influence of anti-corruption news on Chinese students’ political participation. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(2), 452-472. PDF

Su, C.C. & Chan, N.K. (2017). Predicting social capital on Facebook: The implications of use intensity, perceived content desirability, and Facebook-enabled communication practices. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 259–268. PDF

Su, C.C., Lee, F.L.F, & Lin, G.C. (2016). Does site architecture matter? The political implications of public- vs. private-oriented social network sites in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(2), 134-153. PDF

Su, C.C. & Huang, Q. (2016). How Apple geniuses perform? Interactive performativity and professional performativity among service employees in new technology industry. Chinese Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 9, 246-262.

Guo, L., Su, C.C., & Li, H. (2016). The attitudes of Chinese students toward anti-corruption movement and reporting in Mainland. Twenty-First Century, 158, 67-85.


Liu, J. & Su, C.C. (2020). Speaking beyond China: Comparing communication studies. International Communication Gazette.

Qiu, J. L., Su, C.C., & Lee, G. (2015). Digital media studies in Asia. Information, Communication & Society.


Su, C.C., Chen, Z., & Chen, A. (2019). Top-down or bottom-up? A network agenda-setting study on Chinese nationalism on social media. Mediated Communication & Public Opinion Section, the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference, Madrid, Spain, July 7-11.

Su, C.C., Tang, L.P., & Chen, H.T. (2019). Accentuation or attenuation? How network heterogeneity and cross-cutting discussion moderate the effects of selective behaviors on opinion polarization. Political Communication Research Section, the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference, Madrid, Spain, July 7-11.

Su, C.C., Harsh, T., & Wu, A.X. (2019). How did the 2016 US presidential election affect the generational gap in disinformation use? Examining the “fake fringe” during media events. Countering Online disinformation Conference, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway, June 7-9.

Chen, H.T., Guo, L., & Su, C.C. (2019). Network agenda setting, partisan Selective exposure, and opinion repertoire: An analysis of partisan media effects on Hongkongers’ perception of Hong Kong-Mainland China relationship. Political Communication Division, the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Washington DC, May 24-28. 

Su, C.C. (2018). Reimaging mobile marketplaces: A usage-similarity global mapping of app consumption patterns. Communication and Technology Division, the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28.

Su, C.C. (2018).  Social networking sites at Work: Exploring the impact of network composition and the affordance of occupationality. Communication and Technology Division, the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28.

Su, C.C. (2017). How great can Greater China be? A comparative study of the consumption of mobile apps in the Greater China area. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) annual conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 9-12. ** Winner of Top Paper Award from the division

Ren, Y.C. & Su, C.C. (2016). The Americanization of the Chinese experience of depression? An investigation of the media coverage of depression in Mainland China. The National Communication Association (NCA) annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 14-17.

Su, C.C. & Huang, Q. (2016). How Apple geniuses perform? Interactive performativity and professional performativity among service employees in new technology industry. China New Media Communication Association Annual Conference, Zhejiang, China, May 12-15.

Lei, G, Su, C.C., & Li, H. (2016). Issue involvement, news Attention, knowledge, and third-person effect of Mainland China’s anti-corruption movement news. KACA & CCA Joint Research Paper Session, the International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13. Best Paper Selection.

Su, C.C. & Ren, Y.C. (2016). A cross-cultural analysis in predicting App preferences: Implications of cultural values and Maslow’s human needs. Global Communication and Social Change Division, the International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.

Chan, N.K. & Su, C.C. (2015). Internet memes in social movement: How the mobilization effects are facilitated and constrained in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. WUN conference: Understanding Global Digital Cultures, Hong Kong, April 25-27.


2017                Top Paper Award, AEJMC 2017, Communication Technology Division
2017                Reaching Out Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2016                Graduate Research Grant ($2000), C-Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2016                Outstanding Teaching Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2016                Lion Dr Francis K Pan Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015-2017       Representative of Graduate Students, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2014-2018       Postgraduate Full Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Journal Reviewer:       

New Media & Society
Computers in Human Behavior
Information, Communication & Society
International Journal of Communication
Asian Journal of Communication
Chinese Journal of Communication

Thesis Supervision:

Master thesis (University of Copenhagen, Fall 2019)       
Undergraduate thesis (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Spring & Fall 2017)


Su, C.C. (2017, October). How to slow down in an accelerated digital society? Initium Media. Link
Guo, L., Su, C.C., & Li, H. (2016, January). How college students think about anti-corruption movement in mainland China? Ming Pao. Link