Summer Updates

Publication: I have a new article, “Multimodal connectedness and communication patterns: A comparative study across Europe, the United States, and China,” online first in New Media & Society. This study investigates the relationships between social connectedness and communication patterns from seven countries across the globe. Find a preprint version here.

Teaching: In the summer, I will be teaching two courses at Boston University: a) EM777, Masters Collaboratory Project, and b) EM797, Connecting Humans: Networks, History, and Social Media.

Grant: I am honored to receive a grant from IHSIP, Boston University to study Content Moderation of Vaccination Tweets during the summer with two graduate students. More updates on this project will be shared later in the summer.

Conference: I will be presenting two papers (one sole-authored and one co-authored) at the annual conference of AEJMC in August.

Award: I consider it a great honor to be awarded the Best Faculty Paper with my colleagues (also my mentors when I was doing my PhD), Dr. Hsuan-Ting Chen (CUHK) and Dr. Lei Guo (BU), from the Chinese Communication Association of the International Communication Association this year. The awarded paper can be found here.